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OdA music fest 2nd ed. "Gonna" BIJA with guest BENNY BENACK III (Usa) #19/01/2017

OdA music fest 2nd ed. "Gonna" BIJA with guest BENNY BENACK III (Usa) #19/01/2017

Ass. OdA Officina degli Artisti OdA music fest 2nd edition live 19 january 2017 TAURISANO (LE) / ITALY "Salento meets United States" with: BIJA special guest BENNY BENACK III from USA music: "Gonna" ©SLAM PRODUCTION 2014 by George Haslam BIJA are: Marco Puzzello / trumpet and flugelhorn Gabriele di Franco / guitar Francesco Pellizzari / drums special thanks to ALCESTE AYROLDI VIDEO: MIX ART STUDIO by Evgeni Mladenov Acli Arte Spettacolo Lecce / Raffaele Santoro and all supporters and partners Bija web site: Bija facebook page: Bija Album on Soundcloud: Bija on Spotify: Bija Youtube channel: Bija Twitter: --------------------------------------------------- The Sanskrit term "bija" (seed) represents the source and at the same time the cause of all things. It is the vibration and the primordial sound from which it all began. From this fascination, in 2011 Bija was born. This atypical trio, composed, somewhat by chance, of an electric guitar, a trumpet and drums, made the decision to create music according to their personalities without musical prejudices. It is the very idea of orchestration and arrangement that is put into question by this ensemble. The result is a dense writing, inspired by different musical perspectives such as rock, classical, world and jazz, which constitutes the trio's musical backgrounds. Altogether, it reflects a postmodern attitude that manifests itself in expressionist chiaroscuro, narrative melodies, odd times and warm sounds. --------------------------------------------------- Il termine Sanscrito «bija» (seme) rappresenta l'origine e al tempo stesso la causa di tutte le cose. È la vibrazione, il suono primordiale da cui ha avuto principio ogni cosa. Da questa fascinazione nascono nel 2011 i Bija. Un trio atipico chitarra elettrica, tromba e batteria, un po' un caso, un po' la scelta di provare a camminare su sentieri personali. È l'idea stessa di orchestrazione e di arrangiamento che viene messa in discussione da questa formazione. Il risultato è una scrittura fitta, che pesca dai diversi ambienti musicali frequentati dai tre, dal rock alla classica alla world e ovviamente al jazz. Un'attitudine postmoderna che si manifesta in chiaroscuri espressionistici, melodie narrative, tempi dispari e suoni caldi.

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Corso Vanini 25 , 73056

Taurisano (Italy)

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